Employees are the first line of defense against cyber-attacks. The following cyber security tips for employees will help raise awareness across the company. Employees need to be aware of security threats to avoid falling victim to attacks. Besides practicing safe computing, employees need to know what to do if their personal information is compromised.

Do Not Click On Suspicious Links

Employees should always think twice before clicking on any link they receive via email, text message, or social media. Even if your friends are sending you the link, it doesn’t mean that the link is safe to click on. Hackers can send out malicious phishing emails that are designed to look like they’re coming from a trusted source, such as your bank.

Scanning the link for viruses may not help because the virus could be well hidden. Therefore, you should only click on links if you know where it will take you. You can also hover over the link itself without clicking on it so you can see where it’s pointing to.

Keep devices clean

You should always clean your devices by installing the latest anti-virus software. If your device already has anti-virus software installed, you should run regular updates to ensure that the protection stays up to date and it’s always scanning for threats when in use. Also, remove any applications that you no longer use. 

Trusted sources only

You should only install apps from reputable companies such as the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store. These are safer than other less-secure app stores like third-party stores and websites where you can download free apps for your device. Do not download illegal software or applications as this is usually a perfect way for hackers to have a trojan installed on the victim’s device. 

Choose strong passwords

Employees should always use strong passwords and avoid printing them out for all to see. As such, they should not use common words or phrases; instead, you can make your password up of a string of random letters, numbers, and special characters. Passphrases, rather than a password, also usually work better. Also, change your passwords every few months so that they stay fresh and new.

Follow a security training program

Employees should familiarize themselves with cyber security measures, and make it a top priority in their workplace. They should also educate themselves on the various types of security measures that can be implemented and the different types of threats that exist. For instance, they should know about usb-dropping, social engineering, phishing, and more. A company can educate its employees by providing security awareness training

Update software often

Employees should ensure that all software is always up to date so they can protect themselves against newly discovered security vulnerabilities. This includes updating the device’s operating system as well as any other apps on their computer.

Keep backups

To minimise losses of valuable data, employees need a backup plan. Having a backup plan also ensures that the employees are safe if something happens to them personally, such as an injury or death.

8. Get Rid Of Old Computers

Employees should consider getting rid of old devices after a certain time to ensure their data stays safe. This is because the manufacturer may no longer support these devices, and it will be more difficult to keep them updated with strong protection. The same applies to unused and outdated applications. 

9. Manage Privacy Settings Carefully

When employees go online, they need to watch their privacy settings on their devices and social media profiles. They need to ensure that they aren’t sharing any personal information or photos that could be used against them by hackers in the future. This includes location services and status updates about when you’re not at work. If social engineering takes place, attackers can use any information uploaded on the internet.

10. Beware Of Public Wireless Connections

Employees should avoid using free Wi-Fi networks like the plague. These usually don’t have security and can easily allow hackers to access your device. Never use this connection for internet banking or other types of secure transactions involving money.


What are the most common ways hackers gain access to employees’ devices?

Hackers normally download malware onto your computer via untrusted email attachments and unsecured Wi-Fi networks, such as those found in restaurants and coffee shops.

What is the biggest security risk for employees?

The biggest security risk for employees is work-related emails. Cyber criminals use emails to spread malware because emails are the preferred method. This means that employees should never open suspicious emails they receive from unknown senders. Also, if you don’t recognize the sender, you should not respond to this email.

How can an employer help employees handle security issues?

To help employees handle security issues, employers should train their staff to be aware of cyber threats present on the internet. Also, they can ensure that anti-virus software is installed onto each computer used by employees at work.

What re some of the most common types of Malware?

Spyware, adware, and ransomware are all very common types of malware. This includes email phishing scams, sextortion scams, and fraudulent social media profiles used to deter unsuspecting victims from their money through various tricks.

Every employee has a role to play in cyber security. Taking these simple steps will help you keep your personal information out of hackers’ hands. For a business cybersecurity awareness training is a great resource as it can teach employees about phishing emails and more. Start making your organisation more secure by implementing these cyber security tips today!